Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy 2011!

Hello all! Lots has happened since the last posting I would have to say! Its been awhile! The Twins LOVED Halloween this year! Robert was health and actually got to go for the first time! Didn't stop at too many houses but they got the hang of it as we went along! They walked up to the door and then turned and looked at us with the look "what do we do now?" Next year will be a whole NEW experience I'm sure! Thanksgiving was different. We celebrated with ONLY one family! Sure did miss the excitement at the Sherman house hold! =-( Christmas was enjoying! We went and saw Santa at the Johnson Fire Hall and the same as last year....Robert didn't care too much for him! Ruby still is curious about everything and everyone that she meets! Santa asked US what we were wanting for Christmas and I requested "PATIENCENTS" Santa just ho ho hoed and told me that that was a VERY expensive gift!!! =-)Robert LOVED opening presents! Ruby thought "why did you wrap it?" he he! She loved WATCHING others open their gifts instead! Hope this finds all of you in GOOD health! Happy NEW 2011 YEAR to all!